Cheat Sheet: How to Interpret Your Blood Sugar Readings

Cheat Sheet: How to Interpret Your Blood Sugar Readings

Blog Articles

We’ve all fallen victim to this thought:

“I have tried EVERYTHING, and nothing works.”

What logically and quickly follows then is quitting — going back to what definitely was NOT working in the first place, right?

Because what else are we to do?  NOTHING works.

This happens in all kinds of life situations we try to solve, for example:

  • A relationship that isn’t working
  • Weight loss
  • Getting kids to listen and do what they’re told
  • Building a business
  • Controlling a health condition like Type 2 Diabetes or chronic pain

That’s because continuing to try in the face of repeated failure takes courage, belief in spite of difficulty, and lots of effort.  Your brain is not on board with all this work and no pay-off.

Of course your brain is urging you to give up!  It is motivated to seek pleasure, avoid pain or discomfort, and conserve energy.  It has kept you alive all this time, why would it forget to do it’s job now?

With repeated failure, we logically conclude that “nothing works.”  And we have ALL the evidence to prove we are right.  We can list all the things we tried that did not work.

It feels very justified.  No one will argue.  We are clearly right.

But where does this leave us?

Do you want to be right?

Only if you want to keep your problem.

If you are still searching for a solution, you must open yourself up to possibility or you will not be able to see one.

Deciding that you have tried everything might feel justified, but it also feels hopeless and helpless.  You are stuck with your problem with no way out.  And believing this generates NO ACTION.

You end up doing nothing.  And sometimes, we make it worse by running headlong in the wrong direction.

Let’s look at an example.  Let’s say you have had Type 2 Diabetes for many years now.  You have been a good patient.  You did all the things your doctor told you to do:

  • You took your medications without missing a single day.
  • You checked your blood sugars and brought your log to your doctor.
  • You met with the dietitian and learned about the American Diabetes Association recommendations for diet, which you followed to the best of your ability.
  • You learned about carbohydrates and only allow sugar for special occasions.
  • You joined a gym and started exercising three days a week for 30 min at a time.
  • You changed how you cook and eat more meals at home that have vegetables and fruit.
  • You even tried a few diets, like Weight Watchers, the Paleo Diet, and the South Beach Diet.
  • You took cinnamon, chromium, and another supplement you can’t remember the name of.

Despite all of this, your blood sugars keep creeping up.  Your blood sugars are still above goal (>130 fasting) and you fear your next A1c.  Your doctor has had to add another medication and you fear that you will eventually have to go on insulin.

It feels inevitable.  After all, you’ve tried everything!

So why even try, right?  Why not just enjoy life and stop obsessing and worrying about meds, food, and exercise all the time?

Naturally, you go back to eating out more, allowing more treats, skipping exercise, and slacking on checking your sugars.  Some of us completely abandon all reason and start slamming Mountain Dew and eating everything we know is going to make us feel terrible.

If this is you, just know this is normal, predictable human behavior.  It doesn’t mean something is wrong with you.

What I want to show you in this example, however, is that the thought that “I’ve tried everything and nothing works” is poison.  

It creates feelings of frustration, defeat, and exasperation.  It feels terrible.  And then it fuels counterproductive and self-sabotaging actions.  Which only get you the result that you don’t try anything else and nothing will EVER work.

Finding possibility

If you are falling into this trap, the first thing to do is to ask yourself,

“If I’m being truly, absolutely honest, did I really try everything?  How can I know that it’s absolutely true?”

You might have tried some of the things only halfway, or for a short period of time.

I had one lady tell me she ate a vegetable and then went right to the mirror to see if she looked any slimmer.  😆  I don’t think she ate any more vegetables for a while!

You might have undermined some of the progress by going off your plan at times.  (Which was probably justified!)

How can you know, with 100% certainty, that you have tried everything?  How can you know what you haven’t ever heard of?

Is there any possibility that there’s something out there that works that you just haven’t ever heard of before?

If I showed you 100 cases of people who successfully reversed their Type 2 Diabetes last year using a new method, would you listen?  Would you be curious?

Find the possibility.

Believing, “It’s possible there’s something out there that could work for me.”  Or, believing, “If it worked for all of these people, it might work for me,” creates intrigue, hope, and empowerment.

Feeling possibility drives action that moves you closer to your goal and to a solution.  Plus, IT FEELS SO MUCH BETTER than despair and feeling stuck.

One more thing

I want to extend you some compassion if you’ve been following your dietitian and your doctor’s advice and haven’t seen good results.  OUR HEALTHCARE SYSTEM DOES NOT TEACH PEOPLE HOW TO REVERSE THEIR DIABETES.

It’s a tragedy, and it’s a major reason why half our adult population has prediabetes or diabetes right now, which is only expected to get worse rapidly.


Instead of facing the undeniable facts, our healthcare system just blames the victim.  “Diabetics aren’t following instructions” is what most of our doctors believe.  Instead of questioning the bad advice that is being given, most doctors question their patients.

OK, I’ve had my rant.  Back to what to do about it.  👇

The tools that work to reverse Type 2 Diabetes aren’t even offered in most doctors’ offices.  I teach people exactly how to do this.  These tools are so powerful, so effective, that there is NO WAY they won’t work.

Each person is different, so customizing a plan to the individual is essential.  We identify the foods and eating patterns that are keeping you sick and construct a plan — testing, applying and adjusting until we get the results we want.

You might want to just avoid adding more meds and find confidence in keeping your blood sugars controlled.  Or you might want to completely eliminate your meds and achieve freedom from Type 2 Diabetes.  Different people have different goals and need different tools that work for them.

The last piece that makes working with me so effective is that I can show you where thoughts like the one we addressed here are blocking you from getting what you want most.

It’s our thoughts that drive our actions and get us our results, so these are incredibly important to examine and question.

When you have both the physical and mental tools to take consistent and massive action toward your goals, you become capable of creating a future free from Type 2 Diabetes.  


Are you feeling the possibility?  Fill out this form and I will reach out to you to talk more about what is possible for YOU:

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