Your Type 2 Diabetes Blog
Education & Inspiration!
Welcome to the type 2 diabetes blog – your go-to source for education and inspiration on reversing or preventing type 2 diabetes. Empowering you to take control of your health and live your best life by providing the latest information, tips, and support on type 2 diabetes.
With the right knowledge, tools, and motivation, you can reverse or prevent type 2 diabetes and improve your overall health and well-being.
Are You Using Your Past Against Yourself?
Although this topic applies to anything that happened in your past that you still think about today, I want to relate it to living with a disease like Type 2 Diabetes. So...
Learning How to Fail is How You Succeed in Reversing Type 2 Diabetes
Do you have a dream? Is there something you want for yourself? Maybe you have even played with setting a goal. Now answer this question: what is holding you back? When we are...
What To Do When You Feel Like Your Body Is The Enemy
Do you sometimes feel betrayed by your own body? Like no matter what you do it seems to do whatever it wants instead of cooperating with your plan? This is especially true when...
How to Feel Empowered When You Have Type 2 Diabetes
Being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes (or anything for that matter) feels so disempowering. You feel like something is happening TO YOU, and that you have very little control over...
The Right Time to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes
When you’re thinking about committing to something, how often do you tell yourself you don’t have time in your life? “I just don’t have enough time.” “I’ve got too much going on...
Why It’s So Hard To Control Your Blood Sugars and Lose Weight: Part II
In my last post, we recognized that surviving our modern environment without developing chronic disease requires us to defy the three rules our brain has evolved to obey: Avoid...