Cheat Sheet: How to Interpret Your Blood Sugar Readings

Cheat Sheet: How to Interpret Your Blood Sugar Readings

Blog Articles

Discovering what you are capable of is like meeting yourself. Who is this person? This person who just nailed that interview and landed the job? This person who just ran her first half marathon? This person who just did that/ said that/ made that happen?

If I were to ask you, “Are you capable of meeting your goal, whatever that may be?”

Do not look to your past for evidence of what you are capable of in your future. Consider this: if your past determined what you were capable of today, how would any of us ever grow? Ever create anything new?

But that is how our minds want to answer this question. They say to us: “Well, you’ve never been able to do that before, so what makes you think you can do that now?” OR “You don’t know how to do that because you’ve never done that before.”

This is default thinking, and I am asking you to be much more intentional. I want you to create your future on purpose.

The future does not yet exist. And I love to say, “The future is my property.” I want you to be able to say that too and believe it. The future only exists in your mind. You literally create your future with your mind.

So where can you look to for evidence of what you are capable of? The answer is in your thoughts and your beliefs. Our minds limit us by deciding what is possible.

I want to give you an example from my own life. I had a friend a couple of years ago ask me to run an 18 mile race in the Big Horn Mountains of Wyoming with her. I had never run anywhere near that distance in my life. Naturally, my mind wanted to tell me, “You are not capable of that because you’ve never done that before.” And I agreed to run it anyway.

I set out to train for this race 6 months before race day. I remember when I ran just 8 miles, the pain in my feet and ankle joints implored me, “Have mercy!” Then I covered 9 miles, with the same urgent, sobering pain in my feet. I confided in my friend my doubt: “I don’t know HOW I can run 18 miles when I can barely run half that.” I seriously finished every training run thinking, “Why did I think this was a good idea?”

But I just kept taking action. I chose to believe, “I can run a little farther next time.” Taking action built my capability, and my capability built my self-confidence. Oh, and I took some Aleve every now and then 😆.

You can make the hiccups or the obstacles mean you aren’t capable. Or you can make them mean that you still survived in spite of them. Two completely different ways of looking at the same situation.

So what does this have to do with reversing Type 2 Diabetes?

First, you have to believe it is possible. I hope I have already handled some of that in previous blog posts, such as Why Hasn’t My Doctor Told Me My Type 2 Diabetes Is Reversible?.

Ask yourself: “Do I believe Type 2 Diabetes is Reversible?” Evidence supporting this abounds.

Then you have to try this thought on for yourself: “I am capable of reversing my Type 2 Diabetes.” What kind of feeling does this generate for you? Do you believe it? If you’re feeling disbelief, apathy, or uncertainty–that’s a clue. A clue that you have some work to do in your mind.

You might need to start with a thought like: “Other people have been able to reverse their Type 2 Diabetes, so it might be possible for me too.” It might need to be even more neutral, such as, “I am willing to see if this is something I can believe.”

Most of us want to know the “how” we will make our goals happen before we ever set out to achieve them. But the only way you will know how is to achieve it.

I love the metaphor of driving across the country in the dark. Driving in the dark, you can only see where your headlights shine and maybe where an occasional streetlamp illuminates. You can’t see the whole distance ahead: every turn, every bridge, and every intersection. But you believe if you follow the directions, you will eventually find your destination. You drive across the landscape in the darkness only seeing what is just ahead the entire time.

You are capable of more than you think you are. 💥

And another thang: You can choose to believe whatever the 🤬 you want. No one can tell you that you can’t! 🎯

I want you to know that a coach sees what you are capable of even when you cannot. As a certified life and weight coach, I help people create their future one thought at a time. 💭

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