Your Type 2 Diabetes Blog
Education & Inspiration!
Welcome to the type 2 diabetes blog – your go-to source for education and inspiration on reversing or preventing type 2 diabetes. Empowering you to take control of your health and live your best life by providing the latest information, tips, and support on type 2 diabetes.
With the right knowledge, tools, and motivation, you can reverse or prevent type 2 diabetes and improve your overall health and well-being.
Why When You Eat Is Just As Critical As What You Eat
Whether we are trying to lose weight or not, Americans are obsessed with figuring out what foods are "healthy" to eat. What does "healthy" even mean anymore? When it comes to...
How to Stop Apathy From Stealing Your Dreams
Why is it that sometimes you can be super motivated, productive, and focused on your goal... And then slip into apathy? As in, you stop caring in the moment about your goal. ...
Why A Goal Without A Plan Is Just A Wish
Are you living your life on default or on purpose? Most of us want to feel like we have some control over our life and our future. We understand that we get to choose and decide...
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Are You Giving All Your Power Away?
So many of us don’t even know we’re doing it. We think we are just observing the facts. Just reporting on the world around us. We look at our situation, and we say, “It’s not...
Why We Must Change Our Culture Around The Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes
The Problem Predictions for the number of Americans who are being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes are WAY OFF. In 2001, the American Diabetes Association published the Projection...