Cheat Sheet: How to Interpret Your Blood Sugar Readings

Cheat Sheet: How to Interpret Your Blood Sugar Readings

Blog Articles

Do you sometimes feel betrayed by your own body?

Like no matter what you do it seems to do whatever it wants instead of cooperating with your plan? This is especially true when you are doing ALL THE THINGS to yield progress but your blood sugars are not behaving🤦‍♀️🤷‍♂️🤬

You layer on judgment: about what that number means, how nothing is working, why it’s never going to work, and even how you hate yourself or your body because it doesn’t work properly AND IT’S NOT FREAKING FAIR!

It is incredibly frustrating. You’ve been taking the meds, checking your blood sugar (ouch!ouch!ouch!), and watching what you eat. Maybe you even pass on birthday cake or the donuts in the breakroom. You might even go for more walks or hit the gym. But your blood sugars are still inexplicably high — so high that you are feeling it and you know your doctor is going to want to increase your meds.

Are you living in fear of the day you will have to go on insulin? Or dialysis This is a downright terrifying proposition for many of us.

When we start blaming our defective, broken body, it can feel like our body is working against us. That it is the cause of our suffering and that we have become the victim — powerless and hopeless.

And sometimes we self-sabotage. We don’t make choices for ourselves out of love, but rather out of punishment. We do exactly the thing that will make the situation worse–binge, stop taking meds altogether, or avoid checking blood sugars. I see this paradoxical reaction all the time. It’s like we are waiting for an excuse to quit.

What we need to do instead is get on our own side. First, we need to recognize when we are seeing our body as a traitor.

You cannot hate yourself to better health. You cannot punish your way to a healthier body. I promise you, this never works for any sustainable period of time.

Listen to your own thoughts. They can be sneaky! You might randomly think as you observe traffic on your way to work, “You are such a slob and you’ll never get control of this.” You might be cooking dinner for your family and think, “I’ve tried everything I’m supposed to do. This is never going to work so why bother?”

Even though thinking these kind of thoughts can feel true for a person with a disease as difficult to control as Type 2 Diabetes, it is important to see how they are not serving you. In fact, thinking this way over and over can be quite harmful because it takes away your power and makes you feel defeated.

Then you have to commit to treating yourself with some compassion. My mentor likes to say to herself, “What’s the matter, love?,” when she is feeling anxious or overwhelmed. And then answering that question for herself.

You and your body are actually on the same team, and paying attention to what it is telling you will allow you to learn from it. Directing your thoughts to ones of curiosity and unconditional love might take some practice at first, but you can teach your brain to do this one thought at a time.

What is unconditional love? It means choosing to love without conditions.What would that look like for your relationship with your own body? If your body was your best friend, how would you talk to it? What would you make it mean if it didn’t do exactly what you wanted it to do?

So what it doesn’t mean is when your blood sugar slaps you in the face with a 195 or a 262 or whatever you don’t like, you throw your hands up, berate yourself, tell yourself you shouldn’t even try, and commence eating everything in sight.

What it does mean is that when you get the high reading you weren’t expecting and didn’t feel was deserved, you ask yourself something like, “What can I learn from this?,” or, “How can I love myself anyway?”

If you are able to make just the slightest shift in the way you think about your body…

If you were able to turn one self-loathing thought that you keep on thinking into one that is neutral or even compassionate, the impact you would have on your future self and his or her health could be immeasurable.

Imagine: when you start thinking that you can figure this out, that you will never give up on your body, that you will learn to take care of it and give it what it needs to heal, you will feel empowered. You can create the feeling of empowerment through your thoughts. And this can literally rescue youbecause you will start taking action from this feeling of empowerment.

You will start figuring it out and learning what it needs to thrive. Can you see that this is the opposite direction of where you would end up if you believed nothing works and that you are a lost cause?

I am not being woo woo or falling into wishful thinking (😉) here. This is THE KEY to changing the trajectory of your health and future well-being.

Are you sick of self-sabotage? Do you want to start directing the trajectory of your health and future well-being on purpose? I want to hear from you! You can message me at, learn about my program Reverse Type 2 Diabetes, and even grab a FREE mini consult with me to see if this program is what you’ve been needing to get on track.

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