Your Type 2 Diabetes Blog
Education & Inspiration!
Welcome to the type 2 diabetes blog – your go-to source for education and inspiration on reversing or preventing type 2 diabetes. Empowering you to take control of your health and live your best life by providing the latest information, tips, and support on type 2 diabetes.
With the right knowledge, tools, and motivation, you can reverse or prevent type 2 diabetes and improve your overall health and well-being.
What’s Possible
I want to inspire you today with this episode. Most of us can't get through Step 1 of changing: believing it's possible. Today, I'm going to tell you why this...
What To Eat To Reverse Type 2 Diabetes
The most common question for any person managing their diabetes is, "What do I eat?!"Dietary advice given by most doctors and dieticians will actually propel Type 2...
How To Stay On Track During The Holidays
Heading into the holidays thinking about how you're going to manage your diabetes and still enjoy the special season can feel daunting, and even depressing. If you are...
Which Medication Is Right For Me?
Would you like to be an informed and active participant in selecting the right medication for your diabetes? Well, you need information. Most of the time, you aren't given...
Why Medications Are Not The Solution To Your Diabetes
Most people with Type 2 Diabetes have only been offered medications to treat their diabetes. Emphasis is placed on choosing the "right medication." What no one is...
Is It Too Late For Me To Reverse Type 2 Diabetes?
You might have wondered if you have done too much damage to your body to reverse Type 2 diabetes. "It's too late for me," or "I'm a lost...