Your Type 2 Diabetes Blog
Education & Inspiration!
Welcome to the type 2 diabetes blog – your go-to source for education and inspiration on reversing or preventing type 2 diabetes. Empowering you to take control of your health and live your best life by providing the latest information, tips, and support on type 2 diabetes.
With the right knowledge, tools, and motivation, you can reverse or prevent type 2 diabetes and improve your overall health and well-being.
What Is Happening In My Body?
Have you ever taken something apart to figure out what is broken? Totally logical thing to do, right? If you want to see how to fix something, you have to understand what isn't...
Why You Aren’t Taking Action
We stay stuck for a reason. While we are there, we tell ourselves, "You should really do something about that." It sounds reasonable and true, but "should-ing" all over...
The Most Powerful Tool
Most of those who read this will immediately discount, disregard, or resist this tool. Watch your brain's reaction when I tell you that the MOST IMPORTANT TOOL you will ever use...
Why It’s So Hard To Eat Only When You’re Hungry
Don't think you're an emotional eater? Answer this one question: Why are you eating when you're not hungry? All of us do this. Actually, we are probably doing lots of things...
Type 2 Diabetes: Is It My Genes or Is It My Fault?
I love my clients and my patients. It's not uncommon for me to hear from a client or a patient that they blame someone or something for their lifelong struggle with diabetes. ...
Change Because You Want to, Not Because You Have To
No body wants to do anything they HAVE to do. Do you think you HAVE to get control of your weight or your diabetes? That you HAVE to take medications or check your blood...