Stop Overeating
What you’ll learn in this module:
- How to create an individualized food plan and follow it
- How to create a healthy relationship with food and with yourself
- How to commit and follow through
- How to stop self-sabotaging
- Creating a Food Plan
- Your Relationship With Food
- Overhunger
- What Kind of Overeater Are You?
- Overdesire
- The Fuel For Your Journey
- The Most Powerful Tool
- Self Sabotage
- It’s time to do something with all that you have learned
- Gain awareness of how your brain makes decisions about food
- Why making decisions ahead of time is critical
- Create your first food plan
Three common ways we use food that will need to change to create a relationship with food that serves us longterm
- As a source of pleasure
- Modern foods are engineered to maximize pleasure
- Creates overdesire
- As a way to cope with negative emotion
- Emotional eating is buffering
- How to process negative emotion
- How this prevents you from addressing what’s driving the negative emotion in the first place
- Cultural beliefs that shape our relationship with food
- What is “normal”
- Using food to celebrate and show love
- Social pressure to overeat
- What is overhunger?
- Hormone imbalances that drive this problem
- Becoming fat adapted solves this problem
- How to become fat adapted and balance hunger hormones
Learn the typical patterns of thinking that lead to overeating and how to change them
- What is overdesire?
- The goal is to decondition our desire by not rewarding it
- The difference between allowing urges instead of resisting or avoiding urges
- The skill of allowing urges and processing them through without using willpower
- Why it gets easier
- The urge jar as a tool to motivate you
- Your level of commitment determines your success
- Compelling reasons determine level of commitment
- Finding your “why” and tying it to your everyday actions
- Food planning and journaling
- Why it works
- There is no substitute for data
- How to use a food journal
- Excuses your brain likes to offer you
- Primitive brain vs human brain
- Thought errors and limiting beliefs
- Tons of real examples
- How to stop self-sabotaging
- Awareness
- Identify the excuse
- Exercise authority
- Remind yourself of what you really want
- Allow the urge and process negative emotion
- Dropping self-judgement
- Creating a Food Plan
- Your Relationship With Food
- Overhunger
- What Kind of Overeater Are You?
- Overdesire
- The Fuel For Your Journey
- Self Sabotage
- The Most Powerful Tool
- It’s time to do something with all that you have learned
- Gain awareness of how your brain makes decisions about food
- Why making decisions ahead of time is critical
- Create your first food plan
- As a source of pleasure
- Modern foods are engineered to maximize pleasure
- Creates overdesire
- As a way to cope with negative emotion
- Emotional eating is buffering
- How to process negative emotion
- How this prevents you from addressing what’s driving the negative emotion in the first place
- Cultural beliefs that shape our relationship with food
- What is “normal”
- Using food to celebrate and show love
- Social pressure to overeat
- What is overhunger?
- Hormone imbalances that drive this problem
- Becoming fat adapted solves this problem
- How to become fat adapted and balance hunger hormones
Learn the typical patterns of thinking that lead to overeating and how to change them
- What is overdesire?
- The goal is to decondition our desire by not rewarding it
- The difference between allowing urges instead of resisting or avoiding urges
- The skill of allowing urges and processing them through without using willpower
- Why it gets easier
- The urge jar as a tool to motivate you
- Your level of commitment determines your success
- Compelling reasons determine level of commitment
- Finding your “why” and tying it to your everyday actions
- Excuses your brain likes to offer you
- Primitive brain vs human brain
- Thought errors and limiting beliefs
- Tons of real examples
- How to stop self-sabotaging
- Awareness
- Identify the excuse
- Exercise authority
- Remind yourself of what you really want
- Allow the urge and process negative emotion
- Dropping self-judgement
- Food planning and journaling
- Why it works
- There is no substitute for data
- How to use a food journal
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